Spending More Time At Home: A Survival Guide Intro


I can admit it: I’m a complete homebody. I have a sweatshirt with the word emblazoned across the chest. I live in sweats, don’t wear makeup more than 5 times a month, and shower two to three times a week. And those sweats that I live in? Yeah, I wear the same ones for days in a row before finally thinking, “maybe I should change my ‘clothes’ now.”

I mean, who am I trying to impress? My husband and I have been together for a few months shy of a decade…I think, I always lose track… so certainly not him (sorry babe, but it’s not like this is news to you). If I need a bit of a pick-me-up, sure, I’ll do my hair, throw in contacts, put on some light makeup, and shimmy into “real” clothes. But in all honesty I’ve never really been the work-from-home type of person who sees a ton of value in actually getting ready READY for the day as if I were going somewhere. It’s never bothered me. Doing that whole song and dance just feels like I’m taking precious time out of my day. And putting on real clothes in my house is a total waste because I have two dogs and a cat who make all my black clothes (I mean, it’s pretty much all I own) look like I just snuggled a pack of wolves.

Basically, I’m telling you all this because I’m pretty much a pro when it comes to this whole shelter-in-place-stay-at-home-we’re-all-becoming-agoraphobics thing. And as such I thought I would share with you a few things that I find myself doing and enjoying for the sake of my sanity and a much appreciated slow lifestyle at home.

Here’s a few things you can expect to read about and see in the next few blog posts:

I’m a big reader, mostly fiction, so I’ll be sharing book recommendations to tickle your imagination. Chris and I already cook at home every night and only treat ourselves to a dinner out maybe once every two months, so we’re wizards at whipping up tasty meals out of whatever we have on hand and we’re not too shabby in the kitchen so I’ll probably share some foodie things and gadgets I love (quick brag- we’ve gone two weeks and three days without hitting the grocery store and no we didn’t hoard things like a bunch of psychos). I love to unwind with a show or (if we have time) movie at night so I’ll let you in on some of my favorites. I’m constantly trying to improve how green we are around here so I’ll share some of my favorite products and tips to reduce waste and clean it up. And ya know, other stuff that’s great for keeping your sanity in slow seasons like journaling, music, hobbies, etc. We also have plenty of home improvement projects to keep our hands busy and I’m a HUGE DIYer so maybe I’ll share some of that too.

So friends, I am thinking of you all and sending you mounds and mounds of love and good vibes. I just want you to know that we will all get through this difficult time and I believe we’ll be even stronger and so much more bonded when we come out on the other side of this.

With much love,